Yoga for Beginners

Puruṣa, in contrast, has the quality of consciousness. Just like a tortoise can withdraw its limbs and head under its shell and extend them out again. Thanks for subscribing. That right way is often framed with the idea of alignment. Live video is the number one way to build the Know, Like, and Trust factor very quickly. This was the period when Vedanta, Bhakti yoga, Nathayoga or Hatha yoga flourished. If the aspirant has successfully practised the Viveka, Vairagya, Shatsampat, Mumukshutva will easily come to them. Remember that practicing mindfulness is an essential part of yoga, too. This traditional activity is also found in the pages of the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads. This metaphysics is a pluralistic spiritualism, a form of realism built on the foundation of dualism. They get to have their own creativity, but in the ways that we deem fit for the culture that we created. Good for: a greater sense of self awareness and capacity for self healing. Therefore the real Ishwara, Brahma, is Nirguna: with no shape, form, or attributes. So every teacher I know practices and teaches the sequencing with some kind of variation on the tradition whether a breath, alignment, or a posture. Remember, yoga has nothing to do with stretching or flexibility. Scholars hold that both texts, the sutras and the commentary were written by one person. The third kind, the moral kind, consider the subtle to be the truth, although they do acknowledge the existence of physicality, albeit a byproduct. Each job has different requirements in terms of time, degree of concentration, skills or experience, emotional input, physical energy, will. There are three types of Karma Yoga in this world. Practicing yoga since 2014, she received her E RYT 200 from Yax Yoga Concepts, in 2015 and her E RYT 500 from Peace, Love, and Yoga in 2023.

10 Mesmerizing Examples Of yoga

The holistic yoga

I started reading a book “Karma Yoga” by Swami Atmananda just yesterday in class so this most recent article has found me at a good time to really further my understanding of the subject. This cleared up some long standing questions of mine. On the other hand most consumers of social media don’t see themselves as selling out their private lives and data for the purposes of sales. It’s a 100% visual platform making it ideal for yoga due to its emphasis on beautiful and inspirational visual content. The science of yoga has its origin thousands of years ago, long before the first religions or belief systems were born. A studio should feel like an escape from the stress of the outside world. The term “yoga” has been defined in different ways in Indian philosophical and religious traditions. Today, we discuss a concept that I came across during my training but started making sense of it only much later. Pixie Dust Pilates and Wellness Club Wakefield PixieDustClubRI. Nothing needs to change. In conclusion, it is evident that the holistic approach of yoga therapy targets total integrated treatment or management of an individual at all levels of being. In this sense, Hatha yoga can be seen as a practice that uses physical force or effort to bring about a transformation in the body and mind, which is why the practice of Hatha yoga requires focus and concentration. Qualities of a bhakta. You could offer a free class, a discount on merchandise, or a small gift card to another local business. What is holding you back from being in the here and now. The Svetasvatara Upanishad, another middle era Upanishad written after Kathaka Upanishad, begins with questions such as why is man born, what is the primal cause behind the universe, what causes joy and sorrow in life. In this article, we’ll go through 3 types of ad placements, including text, image and video, and traditional yoga ad placements. Yes, you read it correct. This way, it doesn’t imply that one way is better than the other or that one version is a “better” version of the pose or the “correct” way to do it. The final step happens when all the kosha dissolve and we become absorbed is the Self. He’s a little more compassionate than Nisargadatta. We try to come out ahead by getting a better deal, or we accept full payment for work we know wasn’t our best effort. The actual reprieve from the type of Asana I thought I should be doing WAS my Yoga practice. When you realize everybody’s alignment is unique, your yoga practice shifts. A stronger will power can unites the disparate parts of your self, being into a unified whole. It’s one of the reasons yoga teachers lean so heavily on Patanjali’s eight limbs — Look. Second half from 12:30 to 7.

The Complete Process of yoga

Top 10 yoga poses for beginners

First off, there is no bad stuff. Instead, she stabilized her core via the specific yoga poses in the following sequence. This pose exercises the spine, hips and chest muscles. Śaṅkara’s and Rāmānuja’s yoga done in a hammock Brahma Sūtra Bhāṣyas I. Chris and John, before we say goodbye, maybe tell people where they can find you guys and what’s next for Hot House Yoga. I remember I am everything I want to be. So then why do we find it so easy to withhold love from ourselves when we throw tantrums, fail at things, want to quit, actually quit and act like assholes. To put all of that simply, it’s not enough to just “go with the flow. Alright, let’s talk about how much time you should set aside for your daily Ashtanga primary series practice. Fundamentals of Yoga Philosophy, with Anat Geiger is eligible for 4 Continuing Education Credits with Yoga Alliance. Free Hridaya Hatha Yoga Practice App. In static equilibrium, the sum of all the torques acting on the object must be zero, which means that the object is not rotating or is rotating at a constant rate. The average person can practice Tapas by applying self control, resisting temptations, and staying committed to positive choices. Samkhya and Yoga schools consider moksha as possible in this life. Modern wellness practices use yoga as part of a cardio routine and as a therapy to alleviate health disorders such as. The origins of classical yoga are unclear, although early discussions of the term appear in the Upanishads. The practitioner studies usually with the aid of a guru, meditates, reflects, and reaches liberating insights on the nature of one’s own Self Atman, soul and its relationship to the metaphysical concept called Brahman in Hinduism. This state is Nishkamya Karma निष्काम कर्म the total non action/ desireless actions. The meditative activities are often said to focus on calming the body and mind, which can provide a positive outcome for anyone seeking inner direction, even those following other religions. American Psychological Association APA. In early Buddhism, yoga practices included. The radiant shine of love sanctifies the surroundings, disciples, and even the wicked. In 2017, I also founded Arhanta Yoga Online Academy so that people who can not visit our ashrams can follow our courses remotely. Understand these bhavas attitudes fully.

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Description Line 2: Unlock a new you with natural yoga postures. Whether we realize it or not, all of us perform actions all the time since even sitting and thinking is action. In doing so, you’ll maintain mobility and correct postural issues that develop over time think: a hunched upper back, she adds. Anandamaya Kosha Kosha made of Bliss. However, they can also lead to imbalances and disharmony within ourselves and our environment. Dharana, dhyana meditation and samadhi total absorption are the last three limbs of the eight limbs of yoga Ashtanga Yoga and represent a progressively deepening inward focus, leading finally to a state of samadhi. It is the path that intellectually oriented people tend to prefer. Many people die without having lived. Buddhist texts use a number of terms for spiritual praxis in addition to yoga, such as bhāvanā “development” and jhāna/dhyāna. Modern day gurus of this path claim they are god and suggest all of us can be god too. Vaishnavism, one of the bhakti schools of Hinduism, is devoted to the worship of God, sings his name, anoints his image or idol, and has many sub schools. To Be Avoided if Possible. While the Samkhya school suggests that jnana knowledge is a sufficient means to moksha, Patanjali suggests that systematic techniques/practice personal experimentation combined with Samkhya’s approach to knowledge is the path to moksha. So how does your asana practice fit into this. Over the last dozen years of teaching, I have been blessed with students standing up and storming out of class, yelling at me for giving a hands on assist, and loudly proclaiming I sucked at teaching yin yoga and let’s be clear, I was subbing a yin class, did not think to inform the students that things might be different than normal, and was failing to deliver a yin experience. Samadhi: a state of blissful absorption in which the practitioner experiences union with the divine. This experience cannot be conveyed in words, because. Ashtanga means “eight limbs”; in contemporary hatha circles, it also refers to a style of yoga practice introduced by Pattabhi Jois. Edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Sattva, rajas and tamas. Use your social media and email channels to collect feedback and suggestions from members, and research what other yoga studios are offering. After Patanjali, many sages and Yoga masters contributed greatly for the preservation and development of the field through well documented practices and literature. Teaching seven stages of yoga practice, it was a major reference for medieval Advaita Vedanta yoga scholars and one of the most popular texts on Hindu yoga before the 12th century. There are four main paths of Yoga in spiritual practices of Hinduism: Bhakti Yoga Path of Devotion, Jnana Yoga Path of Knowledge, Raja Yoga Path of Discipline, and Karma Yoga Path of Action. This idea captures all that is seemingly weird about QM, and is what makes QM different from classical physics. An asana centered concept of yoga is a modern and misinformed idea about what yoga really is and does. Most people worry that they are not enough flexible to practice yoga so they don’t dare to start trying. Yoga is a way of life. Whether you’re available for an hour or two a week or planning to join us every day, we know you’ll love the KĀYA experience. In addition to its physical and emotional benefits, Thai yoga massage is also believed to have therapeutic benefits for various conditions.

Learn Exactly How I Improved yoga In 2 Days

How do I know what type of actions are worthy or unworthy?

Karma Yoga means Yoga or Union through action. Kevin: Okay, yeah that’s the way to answer. Throughout history, yoga has been practiced by various religious groups, including Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists. Join Leah Sugerman for the in depth online course Uncover the Everyday Wisdom of the Yamas and Niyamas. And when we fall down, there’s the guru. Authentic and Engaging Messaging: The best yoga marketing agencies understand the essence of yoga and can craft authentic and engaging marketing messages that resonate with yoga practitioners. When you visit this studio, you’ll always know that you’re welcome here. Purusha is pure, limitless consciousness and is thus often symbolized as light or as the sun though in any individual case, the power of consciousness is narrowed and limited to the capacity of the individual being. ” “The nucleus of a Sanskrit word is often a principle. This involves taking slow, deep breaths through your nose, allowing your belly to rise as you inhale, and then exhaling slowly through your mouth.

Add These 10 Mangets To Your yoga

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Guru Nanak rejected the austerities, rites and rituals associated with hatha yoga, advocating sahaja yoga or nama yoga instead. The source of this movement can only be located in the upper arm rather that the forearm itself. ” Edwin Bryant writes that to Patanjali, “Yoga essentially consists of meditative practices culminating in attaining a state of consciousness free from all modes of active or discursive thought, and of eventually attaining a state where consciousness is unaware of any object external to itself, that is, is only aware of its own nature as consciousness unmixed with any other object. Knowing the hacks to avail the perks from different sources. It’s also a great way to support your other practices. Sorry, we just need to make sure you’re not a robot. Because unless you are schooled as an executive in corporations, the term tends to be used to loosely define anything that “puts one’s self, product out there to be known by others. With these bodywork modalities, Katherine takes a hands on therapeutic approach to guide her students to connect to their true self in a more physical, emotional, and spiritual way through a safe and therapeutic yoga bodywork practice. At “householder level”, most people will indulge occasionally. Its epistemology pramana and metaphysics are similar to the Sāṅkhya school. Elements of Tantric rituals were adopted by, and influenced, state functions in medieval Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms in East and Southeast Asia. Creating a Sacred Space. He is seen in Nature in the wonder of a flash of lightning, He comes to the soul in the wonder of a flash of vision, His name is Tadvanam, the end of love longing Kena Upanishad. Simple breathing exercises like deep belly or alternate nostril breathing can bring calmness during hectic moments. It’s a lofty aim, but you can develop svadhyaya as you move through everyday life. Our yoga class offers a 90 minute comprehensive program that rejuvenates the mind and body. Needless to say, we probably don’t simply aspire in our asana practice simply towards steadiness and ease. “This another great deep core strengthener,” says Calhoun. Patanajali, the author of the Yoga Sutras circa 200 c. As creativity began to rush through me, I was reminded of how complete and at home I feel when I’m spending time with my camera, nature, poetry, and beauty. I came back to these same asanas over and over again, trying to improve the expression, trying to perform them with greater elegance and integrity. The root jñā is cognate to English know, as well as to the Greek γνώ as in γνῶσις gnosis. The small things are the big things. You should try to stay present and aware during the five to 10 minutes you spend in final relaxation. There’s millions of excuses not to be happy or not to meditate or to be honest or friendly. A well designed and functional website.

yoga: Back To Basics

Fundamental yoga concepts

Iti pumsarpitavishnau bhaktischaennavalakshana,. It is due to this principle that Yogis are Vegetarian. In Samadhi pada of the yoga sutras, a total of 13 obstacles in the path of Samadhi antarayas are described. Gyana Yoga also known as Jnana Yoga literally means knowledge, insight, orwisdom; however, in the context of yoga, it refers to the process of meditativeawareness that leads to illuminati: wisdom. Here the practitioner is cared for individually by the teacher while practicing in a group. Karma Yoga is one of the main paths laid down in the Vedic tradition. It only takes 10 15 minutes out of your day friends. As defined by Maharshi Panini, Bhakti is the highest form of Seva one can perform for Iswara. The aim of practicing asana is to be able to achieve a steady and comfortable state while in the posture. Later developments in Buddhist traditions led to innovations in yoga practice. See if you can get a celebrity on hand or sponsor a health fair to increase awareness of your yoga studio. Not because alignment is good or bad, right or wrong, but because it is a PORTAL through which we can enter the realm of presence, experience and awareness. Some other times you feel unhappy as you are experiencing anger, grief, and fear in the moment. Viśeṣa, by contrast is what particularizes ultimate entities from each other, and ultimately one atom from another the delimiting feature an atom has that makes it a unique specific individual, distinct from any other atom. They include tranquility, situational stability, emotional stability, free from desires, complete self control and oneness with brahman or knowledge of the ultimate. May we all grow and glow in consciousness until we reach that highest state of consciousness, the state of Yoga. Yes, it is but only after you have the knowledge and understanding to see it clearly. The last Chapter IV deals with Kaivalya liberation achieved through meditation, eliminating the samskaras/vasanas, the latent mental impressions of karmic origin. If you serve a sick man for half an hour, it is tantamount to meditating for three hours, or doing japa of Om 21,600 times. Vivasvat then preached it to his son Vaivasvat Manu the first man of the human race. Aham tva sarvapapebhyo mokayami ma Sucam. As a matter of fact, Yoga can be experienced as a complement to any religion and allows a concrete and viable approach to the ultimate reality. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. Purpose The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of the concept of Karma yoga and its place in the Bhagavad Gita and how this philosophical thought can influence people’s conduct and mindset. Org/karma to dharma/. During the time of deep focus, the psyche gets pure. The same applies for compassion towards oneself and others see Lumma et al. 55 of Yogasutras, stating that the first five limbs leads to bodily perfections such as beauty, loveliness, strength and toughness; while the last three limbs through sanyama leads to mind and psychological perfections of perceptiveness, one’s nature, mastery over egoism, discriminative knowledge of purity, self and soul. Ever wonder, “where did yoga come from, anyway. Through the years, loss, grief, and many challenges have entered my life, but the healing power of moving on my mat and knowing my inner self has become my abiding partner in this lifetime.

Limb 1

The ideas and beliefs through which you view the world necessarily keep you within the field of these thought structures. And what if you were to lift one foot off the floor so that you were standing on one leg e. Thanks again and I will be sure to print a copy to share with my fellow students and teachers tomorrow as we commence the Philosophy component of the course. Avoid vegetation in your yoga studio class space; however, in your reception area, they can add a nice touch for a few dollars. It might not be the fanciest yoga studio in NYC, but it has real heart. The first occurrence of the word “yoga” is in the Kaṭha Upaniṣad roughly third century BCE where it is revealed to a boy by Yama, the god of death, as a way to overcome death itself. In contrast to Vinyasa style yoga which is more flow oriented, Iyengar yoga has a strong emphasis on stamina, balance, concentration, and flexibility. According to Vedanta, the ancient spiritual philosophy, there is an impurity in our minds called Mala. Om Yoga International is an internationally renowned yoga teacher training provider. It is an ancient therapy probably as ancient as yoga practice rooted in the Indian tradition of yoga combined with Buddhist spiritual practices. Our design options are perfectly tuned to meet a variety of different needs. Build a yoga content marketing strategy to gain confidence in marketing, or test your graphic design skills by creating physical flyers to post throughout your neighborhood. If you pay attention to this involuntary small dance, you’ll see that pressing down the outer edge of the foot shifts the body’s center of gravity toward the inner foot, and vice versa. The physical postures, or asanas, that are commonly associated with yoga are just one aspect of the practice. It’s in these unassuming moments that you realise stress is not a life sentence; it’s just a visitor that overstays its welcome. Standing up straight, on an inhalation, draw upward through the crown of your head, and visualize yourself breathing space between each vertebra. So, significant movements or small, if you are moving slowly and in a controlled manner, chances are you are right where you need to be. Jain, Indiana University School of Liberal Arts, USA. The storehouse of memory completely purified, one’s own true self shines forth beyond thought’This is important as a sutra as it’s one of the few times that the principe of karma is directly discussed. What he was talking about was using a few seated postures to aid meditation and spiritual enlightenment. This lovely logo belonging to a yoga studio in Melbourn used Moon phases as its inspiration and a reminder of the tight connection between nature and our lives. These classes will always end in savasana. You also waver less, so you need to make fewer and smaller muscular corrections. So there are a few dos and don’ts that can be helpful to keep in mind when teaching yoga to beginners. Bhakti yoga engages the emotional aspect of the mind through devotion to the divine, developing humility and surrender. A person who practices yoga, or follows the yoga philosophy with a high level of commitment, is called a yogi; a female yogi may also be known as a yogini. While in manomaya kosha the mind works on a level of stimulation / response, here it is possible to understand and discriminate.

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“Oh no,” Mohan said, “I wasn’t playing with the pots. I allow myself a little reflection. The systematic collection of ideas of the Yoga school of Hinduism is found in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Yoga held as its core premise that the mind and body are not two things, but one. You will incur demerit if you do not give your best. Thus, in essence, one who attempts yogamay loosely be referred to as a yogi or in Sanskrit, a yogin masculineor yogini feminine. In this case, you might deduce that the remaining unproven information is possibly true as well. Differences in different people must be respected bheda. Sometimes, we may be alert of the deeds we perform, but we’re hardly fully aware or interested in the task. In some sense, all of our incarnations happen simultaneously. Next Post →← Previous Post. Let’s dive in, uncover the true depths of the practice that has existed for thousands of years, understand where yoga comes from and the different branches this ancient tree has. Yoga is about stillness, she said, and requires those who practice it to contract their muscles while stretching. IAM YOGA also acknowledges the role imperialism, colonialism, and systemic racism have played in the cultural genocide of Indigenous peoples.

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With respect to placing the feet in downward dog, I really don’t see that it matters how you bring them into place, whether you drag them forward from upward dog then flip the feet, or just step them forward. Hot yoga refers to the different yoga types usually practiced in heated or warm rooms where the temperatures are often from 85 degrees to about 105 degrees. In December of 2009, Katherine suffered a stroke causing her to become unable to have normal sensation and control over the right side of her body but was quick to recover. What is happening here is that position is being forced to a narrow range of values because the slit is narrow and limits the positions of the electrons. Market Equilibrium: In economics, market equilibrium refers to a state in which the supply of a product is equal to its demand, and the market price is stable. After a while you may notice that the intentions woven into your actions start to transform. Knowledge about the energy centers known as Chakras are contained in this realm of yoga. You will have access to mentoring throughout the training to help you with your personal goals. Several of his students founded schools of yoga. Our bodies, thoughts, and emotions renew and fluctuate. I am full of gratitude for the Ashtanga practice and the fact that it has brought me into greater relationship to my self and others. Before going to sleep he says: “O Lord, whatever I have done today, is done as worship of thee. This week we talk to John and Chris Yax of Hot House Yoga. This is determined by the place in society and the duties associated with it. The power of discrimination, is a significant pillar of Jnanayoga sadhana. Each weekend you will learn more on yoga and associated philosophy, anatomy, physiology, asana, using props, meditation and pranayama. The asanas, pranayama and mudras are a way to channel prana in the right direction, which advertently provides an understanding of true wisdom and knowledge. Friends and family would always assume that I should be relaxed and calm because I taught and practiced yoga, but I was hitting a point where I’d never felt more tired and on edge in my life. With this type of software, not only are you able to help maintain efficient operations but you can also provide better customer service by ensuring that members have access to the right classes or services they need. Mudra means a symbolic gesture. The practice of yoga postures, called Asana in Sanskrit, offers all these benefits – and more. When tamas is dominant and out of balance it creates a dull mind. It retains the non dualist view of Brahmanical Ātman = Brahman, as well as those of Gautama Buddha. Thai massage is new for me. It is commonly held that Śaṅkara argued that the common sense, empirical world as we know it is an illusion, or māyā.

I did my back

This increases our thoughts of kindness, consideration for others, and selfless service and sets us on the path of enlightenment. To attain this goal, the author directs us to cultivate two qualities in the postures – sthira and sukham. Yoga is not associated with rebellion or revolution; instead, it is a practical response to the hectic nature of our modern lives, which likely provides the impetus for the tidal wave of interest in yoga throughout the world. Karma Yoga is not just an offering of the fruits of any action, but a self offering, or the surrender of the ego. Let us create the space for you to profoundly rest and rediscover your essential nature. Also in mediation, this can be a focus, this ananda, this bliss, but it’s a peaceful happiness. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. A large body of research has aimed to explain and promote pro environmental engagement in the face of the urgent current environmental crises see, e. Yoga will definitely help with that flexibility. For this application, a ghat is a term for a set of steps leading to the water. Thus, a new, more aerobic and acrobatic version of yoga was born that was devoid of any of the negative associations of earlier centuries. With yoga, I step on my mat and find myself again. It is to provided him with sign posts on that Path that the The Secret Doctrine has been written. Annamayakosha or Physical body. Gymnasts perform a series of circular and pendulum like movements on a narrow horse, demonstrating their ability to maintain static equilibrium while transitioning between various skills. In addition to cultivating a quiet ego, MBP has been discussed as a possible means of encouraging pro environmental engagement e. The six main variations of yoga in Hindu philosophy are raja, karma, jnana, bhakti, tantra, and hatha. Iyengar yoga also prohibits music and partner work because they are thought to be distractions. Both tap and ballet are equally important. I eagerly awaited the release of each week’s material and plan to return to them periodically for years to come. Patiently, little by little, spiritual aspirants must free themselvesfrom all mental distractions,With the aid of the intelligent will. To reach enlightenment one has to control the mind and being a karma yogi helps us do that. Scholars contest whether this text was a precursor or the same as Patanjali’s Yogasutra, but either premise is uncertain. Because even in his case, it will work best for him to just say, “Okay, let’s just walk. Fitness Quest is your perfect partner in matters of fitness and wellness. That is, a kind of us that has no form defined by a ‘personality’ born out of thoughts about past experiences. “People leave with an AntiGravity high,” he said. The concept and design of the studio is the result of a collaboration between hotel development group the Like Minded Group and Melbourne designer Travis Walton Architecture. We develop our own teachers they came out. In all its various interpretations, the paths are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

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2020 questioned the conceptualization of the quiet ego as not attaching importance to own actions and attributes. “The people there are dedicated to the place,” they say. The four Advanced Series—Sthira Bhaga—take the practitioner deeper into strength, flexibility, and internal focus. There are three kinds of karma: 1 sanchita karma, which is all the accumulated actions of all previous births. Meditation on one of the chakras, such as the heart center anahataor the third eye ajna; or meditation on a particular deity, suchas Krishna; or on a quality like peace. Athay jathalabha samtosha, sapanaehu nahi daekhai paradosha. I have nothing to do. Obviously, one needs to let go of the concerns about obtaining a “perfect” posture, or even the “shape” of a modified posture. That is the secret and essence of Karma Yoga. Adi Shankaracharya, an Indian philosopher who also consolidated the Advaita Vedanta philosophy, helped popularize and systematize this path around 700 CE. During the state of imbalance or ignorance, one or more constituents overwhelm the others, creating a form of bondage. It’s important to note that yoga is not a religion and does not conflict with an individual’s personal beliefs or religious practices. It immensely impacts their way of life, and the list of benefits can go on. Are your target clients seeking physical and mental fitness. These people are often born into affluent families and usually have well paid and respected jobs. The manuscript of the Yoga Sutras was no longer copied, since few read the text, and it was seldom taught. One of Alexander’s companions was Onesicritus quoted in Book 15, Sections 63–65 by Strabo in his Geography, who describes yogis. Free Hridaya Hatha Yoga Practice App. The key is to engage your students and ask them for feedback actively. “When you’re working with asana, you need to learn to regulate your effort so that you’re not pushing and forcing, which drains the life force,” she explains. “All ancient commentaries on Yoga have stressed that it is essential to work under the direction of a guru. Linda Osorio infuses the energy work whenever working with people in workshops, massage or yoga. Get the download on key words you need to know to flow smoothly, including breathing techniques and poses. Some of the boys in our dance studio use ballet for agility to help them with other sports. While my current yoga self really enjoys discussing yoga philosophy including concepts like pratyahara, shakti, and kundalini, my former yoga newbie self couldn’t comprehend it.